Friday, February 1, 2008

A good looking summer

Well, I saw a new poster for the movie "Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" and it looks pretty cool. You can follow the link right here and see the poster for yourself:

I am looking forward to the movie. I read in the USA Today and there was a section where they were talking about some of the movies that are coming out this year. I have mentioned "The Dark Knight", there are also other good ones coming out like "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls", "Quantum of Solace" the next James Bond film, the X-Files sequel, and these were some of the major releases that were listed on the article in USA Today, a few other new movies listed to be released this year that are of interest are "Iron Man", "Incredible Hulk", "Speed Racer", as well as sequels to "The Mummy" "Harry Potter", and believe or not..."Madagascar". There are plenty of other upcoming movies this year that have great potential. Some are coming out this month like "Jumper", "Vantage Point", "Be Kind Rewind", "Spiderwick Chronicles", and others.

Just to shift to another topic, I was thinking about how much the home entertainment industry has changed within the last 10 years. Years ago, the only way to watch a movie at home was on VHS or maybe on TV. Now, we have many options, the big format that has changed the home media industry is DVD. DVDs have much better quality, and can do much more than VHS could. We also now have Blu-Ray, as well as HD-DVD for the moment. These formats allow us to watch a movie in a home theater, which consists of a big screen TV and a surround sound system. As well, we can also watch our movies on the go, either with a portable DVD player, or with a portable media device like the iPod. I have an iPod and I have stored many movies onto it. The home entertainment industry has gone in two amazing directions, the big and the small.

1 comment:

yvonne said...

Wow that's a lot of movies to see this summer. Thanks for the heads up on all of them. I'm looking forward to Chronicles.

Isn't it great that the quality of movies has improved so much.