Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Presidents Day

First of all, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I certainly enjoyed the day. I had a wonderful day today. In fact, I enjoyed the weekend, I got to do a lot this weekend.

As well, you might have heard rumors that Toshiba will stop manufacturing HD-DVD, the press conference will be held at 5:00 Tokyo. Within the next few hours, we should learn more about the future of HD-DVD, and the future of Blu-Ray. I am very happy to hear this, because now all of the movie industries can focus on distributing on one format instead of confusing the customers about the two formats. I think that both formats are very good, and I am very glad to see Blu-Ray take the gold because it has better potential in my opinion. But nonetheless, I am very happy to see the format war coming to an end. Now when I get an HDTV, I can just pick up a Blu-Ray player at the same time. I will report back as soon as the official news is out.

Also, this weekend, I saw the movie The Bucket List. I really liked the movie, they did a great job with it. I like Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, and they were both excellent in the movie. I also saw that Jumper took number one this weekend, I do recommend it.

1 comment:

yvonne said...

Thanks for the info. Didn't know that they were making that decision.

Glad you liked The Bucket List. I thought it was a great movie.