Monday, February 2, 2009

Taken Review

Like I said, I was planning to go to the movies today, and that did happen. I went to go see the movie Taken. If you weren't completely following the Superbowl this weekend, you might have heard about this movie, it became the number one movie this weekend, with about $25 million. I really enjoyed this movie, Liam Neeson is the star, and he plays a father to a daughter that gets kidnapped, and he goes after the kidnappers to get his daughter back. It is pretty intense, but I highly recommend it.

As well, TV spots from the Superbowl this weekend are online now. You can follow this link.

There are some pretty cool spots, I am really excited for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. There will be plenty to look forward to this summer.


yvonne said...

Glad to hear you liked the movie. Looked pretty interesting--I like Liam Neeson.

I'm looking forward to Transformer II.

Neal said...

Saw the movie last night - some guys from Elders Quorum wanted to go. I have to say - it was really good. A rip-off of the Bourne movies, but WAY better than I expected