Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Two Days!!

We only have two days till The Dark Knight opens. I have been reading that tickets have been selling like crazy. It's getting really exciting. I ended up buying the soundtrack to the movie yesterday, and it's pretty good. I really like a lot of Hans Zimmer's work, and James Newton Howard also does a good job on the soundtrack as well. I also decided to post the poster of Batman on the Batpod, I thought just showing the Batpod wasn't enough, so here is one with Batman riding it.

There are a lot of really cool Dark Knight posters out there, and yes, this is one of them. I will be back tomorrow with a review for the movie.

1 comment:

yvonne said...

I see on Facebook that you wrote "I loved The Dark Knight"--SO WHERE'S THE POST???? Can't wait to hear what you think. When we come next week, what movies are we going to go see??????