Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pirates of the Caribbean Blu-Ray worth checking out!

I watched Pirates of the Caribbean on Blu-Ray last night, and I can tell you that the picture and sound are awesome. For anyone out there looking at getting a Blu-Ray Player, I recommend picking this one up, as it looks gorgeous on a TV! And also, this is a really good movie. I really like Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow. Again, anyone getting a Blu-Ray player, buy this one.

There were a few movies that were released in theaters yesterday. They were Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Hotel for Dogs, and My Bloody Valentine 3D. Nothing that really catches my attention, except for Paul Blart, I think it looks funny and it seems like it is like Die Hard 1 for the kids. I haven't been going to the theater lately as I am still on the spending diet. In February, I will be able to return to the theater again.

1 comment:

yvonne said...

One day I'll have a Blu Ray player ; )