Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dark Knight, this year's phenomenon

Well, The Dark Knight just crossed $400 million, and it did it within 18 days of it's release, phenomenon is the best word I can use to describe all the records this movie has broken. I have to say it's fun keeping track at how well this movie is doing. When I first saw the trailer in December, I knew the movie was going to be big, I just didn't know how big the movie would be. How far will it go, we will still have to see. I could see The Dark Knight staying on the top spot for a couple of more weekends. This weekend, we see the release of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 and The Pineapple Express, I don't see either really topping Dark Knight.

I got the opportunity to see Wall-E again today. I realize what an amazing summer we have had for movies. We have had great movies like Iron Man, Indiana Jones, Kung Fu Panda, Get Smart, Wall-E, and The Dark Knight. I will give my recap on the movies when we hit the end of the summer.

Also, no spetacular new releases on DVD this week, but go to Best Buy and check out all of the DVDs on sale, there are some pretty good ones on sale. I just got Independence Day for $3.99, awesome deal. There are a bunch for $3.99 like the X-Men movies, and others, there are other movies on sale for $6.99 and some Disney movies for $5.99. Best Buy is the one place I go to pick up my movies on DVD, and to just look around. It is amazing how cheap a lot of the DVDs are getting, some of them are even cheaper than going to the actual theater. And with home theaters actually as good as the actual theater experience, then you can have a great deal.

1 comment:

yvonne said...

Thanks for taking us with you to see Wall-E. I loved it.