Monday, August 18, 2008

Bad news Harry Potter fans

This is news that came out on the weekend, but didn't report it, so I will report it now for any of you who haven't heard it yet. The latest Harry Potter movie installment "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" will not be released this November like originally anticipated, instead it will be released on July 17, 2008, eight months later. This has obviously made Harry Potter fans upset, but I have heart nothing on the last two movies based on the last book (that's right, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" is split into two movies) so that will mean a shorter wait between this movie and the last two movies.

But there is good news for Twilight fans, how about a Thanksgiving gift. Twilight will be coming out on November 21, three weeks earlier than the original release date, December 12.

There are a few DVD releases this week. There is a direct to DVD sequel to the movie The Scorpion King, actually it is a prequel. There is also Prom Night, as well as a bunch of other releases to appeal to any taste out there.

1 comment:

yvonne said...

I'm very disappointed about the Harry Potter movie--I was so looking forward to it. I am happy that Twilight will be released a little earlier.