Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tron Legacy

This just hit the net today, after being showed at Comic Con. If you don't know what Tron is, it is a movie that was released in 1982, it has to do with a computer programmer that is sucked into the computer world and plays games and tries to get out. It is the first movie to use computer animation, and the style of it is incredible. Any sci-fi fans out there, I recommend checking this one out if you never have, it might look a little cheesy, but it has such a unique look to it, it shouldn't be missed. After almost 30 years, they are making a sequel to the 1982 cult classic, it comes out in 2011, and I am excited for it, but I am looking forward to them showing us some of the footage from the movie as it gets closer. As well, they finally settled on a name, "Tron Legacy". For a while, they were debating the title, like Tron 2.o, TR2N, and they even went with Tron, which would have caused confusion I'm sure. Well, I can't wait for more information.

Speaking of classic movies using computers in the 80s, look for the 25th Anniversary of The Last Starfighter on DVD and Blu-Ray August 18. Another movie that has dated effects, but it is still a good movie, and I recommend it. I hope they do a great job on transferring it to high defintion, if it turns out great on Blu-Ray, I will get it.

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