Monday, March 3, 2008

Indiana Jones on DVD Again

That's right, Indiana Jones will be re-released on DVD before the new movie is released this summer. This time, instead of a boxed set, the movies will be sold individually, and the release date is May 13. Each DVD will have new extra features for anyone that wants an upgrade. I think the fact that they are sold individually is a good thing. I like boxed sets, but I know a few people who didn't really like The Temple of Doom, so they can now buy the ones they want without having to buy all of them. And some of the new extra features should be good. Look for them on May 13.

Also, I ended up watching The Chronicles of Narnia yesterday, to be ready for the sequel this summer.

1 comment:

yvonne said...

You know that I did not like the 2nd one very much so I'm very happy that they will be sold individually.