Saturday, December 8, 2018

Spider Man: Into the Spiderverse review

This movie was high on my anticipation list for this year, especially after the glorious teaser that dropped last December. I wasn’t familiar with all the different variations of Spider Man out there before this, but this just looked awesome and this was the new kind of Spider Man movie I wanted to see. Forward to today when I got to check out a special screening of it, and wow was this incredible.

I am going to do my best to not go into spoilers here as I want to leave this movie fresh for everyone when they get to see it next week. If this movie wasn’t high on your list because it looked weird or that it was another Spider Man or whatever, I urge you to put this at the top of your to go see list next week, it is that excellent.

A little explanation of the animation, it is to mirror a comic book come to life, and wow was it spectacular, every scene was just gorgeous to look at. I had one of those personal pizzas while watching this and I did not want to eat it because I wanted to keep my eyes on the screen because how gorgeous the animation was. If you have been watching the trailers, you can already tell how amazing the animation is. There is nothing else like this, kudos to the team that worked really hard to get this right, every frame in this movie is a work of art.

When it comes to the story, it works great despite the fact that there are all these different versions of Spider Man, yes despite the fact that there are many different versions of Spider Man, the story works great. The focus is mainly on Miles Morales and how he becomes Spider Man, also there is the Kingpin who builds a collider to open a portal to other dimensions, which basically brings a ton of different Spider people into Miles’s dimension. That is all I am going to say here about the story, yes that sounds like a ton of stuff already but trust me it all works great together and they balance it perfectly. Speaking of Spider people, the characters are great, and when they come together, there is a ton of magic that occurs, the interactions are so much fun and… this is just an excellent movie, seriously, you just need to experience this movie for yourself.

This is easily the best animated movie of the year, and also one of my top Spider Man movies as well. I am seriously hoping that everyone gives this movie a shot and checks it out, I really think no one will regret it, this is just an excellent movie, and is a fun movie for the fans, for the family, for the nerds, for just anyone. I really hope this is a box office hit because this is a movie I would love to see a sequel to in the future. I heard that they are working on sequels in the future, and I hope that these do happen. This movie will easily be on my top 10 list of the year when I publish it after this month.

One more thing, this movie does feature a Stan Lee cameo, I won’t say where it is and what the contents of this cameo are, but it is a great cameo and works perfectly. Go see this movie, it is worth it.

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