Friday, December 17, 2010

Tron Legacy review

Like I said, I was going to post a review of what I thought of Tron Legacy once I saw it. I have been stoked to see this movie for a while now. The first time I heard about the sequel was actually in the works was back in 2008, when reports went online about a trailer that was shown at one of the conventions, I forget the name of it right now. But I ended up finding the trailer online, which was a crummy cam rip, but nonetheless, it was still exciting to see that a sequel was in the works. I ended up seeing the trailer again the following year when the actual trailer was put up online and not a crummy cam rip. That was where the anticipation started. Came in tonight not knowing how the story would turn out, as I heard complaints about the story. To me, the movie was more about the visuals, but honestly I still think it had a decent story to go along with it. Now the question you might have, knowing that this is a sequel, do you really need to see the original before this one. It wouldn't hurt, but I am sure you will end up enjoying this movie regardless.

Now about the visuals, first off, the 3D. I can't say this enough times, and I worry this will be brushed off, but this is a MUST SEE IN 3D! Seriously, the 3D was amazing in this movie. It had a lot of depth to it. This movie was filmed in 3D, like Avatar that was released last year. I feel this movie pushed the boundaries a bit with 3D. So when you see this movie this weekend, go see it in 3D, it is totally worth it.

The visual effects were really amazing as well, the design and look of it were just incredible to look at. Also, the sound design was outstanding as well, especially the score by Daft Punk. After watching the movie, I really want to get the soundtrack.

This whole movie was amazing to watch, it is one movie I really look forward to seeing again soon. It is worth checking out.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Great review. Obviously, if I see it, I will DEFINITELY see it in 3-D ; )