Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 review

The one thing that I always expected from the Harry Potter movies is that it basically takes place in Hogwarts. This was the first one where I don't recall ever seeing Hogwarts. This was one series that has taken me by surprise. When I saw the first two Harry Potter movies, I didn't really expect much. I saw it more as going to Hogwarts and going on an adventure each year, I didn't really expect them to tie together, like the Lord of the Rings movies. But ever since Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, things sort of changed, not too much just then but I started to realize there was going to be a big arc altogether, trying to stop Voldemort. It was always the kind of movies where I would just see it once, and be satisfied. Ever since the last one, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, things started to change for me, I really started to appreciate the movies more and really wanted to watch them all again and see what I might have missed. And with the last one, when it ended, I was really excited to see the next one, while the earlier ones I wasn't that excited. Well, after this movie, obviously I am beyond excited to see the next one, and can't wait till July 15 of next year (note: that is the same date that Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince came out). Things have really changed for the characters, things have gotten much darker, and figuring out things has become more interesting. Enjoyed seeing old characters again. Everything in this movie was superb. I want to go see it again as soon as possible. Highly recommended.

If you can't see it this weekend because it sells out or something, then here are a couple of other recommendations. First off, Unstoppable, it was enjoyable and really good. Another is Morning Glory, had a few good laughs in it. And for families, Megamind, really funny. Hope you enjoy the weekend. I will fill you in on other movies that come out.

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