Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 in review

The ones that I will more likely remember the most

Avatar – A 3D movie that is really worth watching, I mean there are other movies out there that have the 3D feature, but they aren’t necessarily better in 3D, but this one is. It is amazing to watch, the visuals are incredible, and the performances are also really good.

Blind Side – One movie that took me by surprise. A great uplifting story to begin with. I think the great part is to watch this with lots of people that are really engaged by the movie, it was fun the first time to watch it when everyone in the theater was clapping when Mike takes that guy during the football game over to the buses. Also, Sandra Bullock gives a great performances, as well as everyone else.

Star Trek – I am not a Star Trek fan, in fact I never really watched anything that had to do with Star Trek, just one film 10 years ago, but this one was really engaging, even if I really didn’t know too much about the franchise, I really loved the movie and was something that I could watch again and again.

Up – Pixar does it again, they give us a really good story and incredible animation. It was also very entertaining that I came back to watch it multiple times.

Fantastic Mr. Fox – I really like to watch movies that are different than what we normally watch, this is one of those that is very different, and yet it was very fun to watch, and also had a very engaging story to it.

500 Days of Summer – Again, a very different movie than what we would normally watch on a daily basis, but yet it was very funny. I really liked a lot of the camera work and the editing was cleaver. One of the best parts is the dance sequence, guaranteed to make you laugh.

Taken – A surprise action flick. You see Liam Neeson kick a lot of butt, in fact the ones he goes after are people that actually deserve what they get. It was very entertaining and intense.

Sherlock Holmes – I think Robert Downey Jr. is becoming a great actor. He is great and funny in the roles that he is in.

Where the Wild Things Are – Not many people really appreciated it, but I found the movie to be great. It was a very deep movie that had a lot of emotion to it, which really surprised me.

District 9 – A really interesting concept. Aliens as refugees, really cool weapons, this was a very entertaining movie.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince – I really liked this flick because beforehand, I was not a huge Harry Potter fan, I mainly went to the movies to watch them because they were decently entertaining. But this one basically made me a fan. It was dark and had really interesting development to the story.

Ponyo – I am a Miyazaki fan, and if you are too then I guarantee that you will enjoy his latest masterpiece. Great animation and very simple.

Invictus – It was a little slow in some parts, but it had a great story to it, and the performances by both Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon were excellent.

Other good movies worth noting

Angels and Demons – I did not enjoy The Da Vinchi Code that much, it was way too slow paced, but this one was more fun to watch and a lot of cool shots in it.

Terminator Salvation – Never really watched the previous Terminator movies till this year, but once I watched them, I really enjoyed them. This is another one that I really enjoyed, different than the older ones but still great to watch.

9 – Yes it was short, but the visuals were excellent and it was great to view the animation and the design.

X-Men Wolverine – I have to admit that I was disappointed when I first watched this movie, but I have watched it a few times since and I have enjoyed it. Good story to it.

A Christmas Carol – I have heard of too many adaptations of the Christmas Carol story, but I really enjoyed this interpretation.

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs – The best way to describe this movie is that it is really crazy funny, a lot of moments that will just make you laugh because they are really ridiculous. It is totally worth watching.

The Proposal – One of those comedies where you are certain that it won’t be that funny, but it turns out to be very funny, in fact there are parts where you end up laughing really hard because it is very funny.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – They made the sequel to the 2007 blockbuster just a little too crude that it ruined the movie for many people. Besides that, it was a fun blockbuster to sit through for two and a half hours. Lots of action, battle sequences, and special effects.

GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra – One of those movies that is actually fun to watch and rather enjoyable. Definitely not the best story or acting in a movie, but if you want a movie that you want plenty of action, here you go.

State of Play – I was actually really surprised by how good this one was. It is one of those where you have to think through to figure out what is going on. A lot of interesting twists.

Surrogates – Good movie, I don’t know exactly what to say about it, but it was entertaining, and it had a good message behind it. It is worth watching.

Princess and the Frog – Disney’s return to traditional animation, and it was a grand return. I loved the songs and the animation to it. Very fun to watch.

Michael Jackson’s This Is It – With the death of Michael Jackson back in June, they decided to release this documentary on the rehearsal performances of his comeback concert. It was great to see how well he performed. I didn’t have much respect for him, but I do appreciate his work after watching this documentary.

See once, and you will be satisfied

All About Steve – The one thing that I will remember about this movie is Sandra Bullock and her playing a very different role than I would normally watch her in. I was also laughing really hard at a few parts in the movie.

Land of the Lost – I thought the movie was so stupid, that it was funny. There were parts where I was laughing so hard because it was ridiculous.

2012 – Lots and lots of special effects. You want to see a movie where everything gets destroyed, then here you go.

17 Again – I am not a Zac Efron fan, but I actually enjoyed this movie, and there was one part where I was laughing really hard.

Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs – The one character that made this movie was Buck the Weasal, voiced by Simon Pegg.

Inkheart – It was entertaining, lots of fun moments.

I really didn’t need to see that

Year One – I was not impressed with this movie, I do have to admit that there were moments where I was laughing hard at, but not enough to say that this movie was worth my time.

The Invention of Lying – The first 30 minutes were full of great laughs, then the story took the turns where things weren’t as funny.

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant – I think John C. Reilly was the greatest thing in the movie, and that was about it. It was entertaining in some areas, but not really worth your time.

I am really excited for some of the things coming out this year, and hopefully they will be great.


Neal said...

All i can say is - thank goodness for NetFlix! Two movies that I really wanted to watch, but couldn't get to the theater, were "500 Days" and "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs".

I'm glad to see that there were some movies that you DIDN'T like ; )

Yvonne said...

I enjoyed going with you to see some of these movies--especially Avatar, Sherlock Holmes and The Blind side.

Many of the movies you wrote about I did not see--thanks for the heads up on the ones not to bother seeing.