Monday, June 29, 2009

My Sister's Keeper review

Yes, that's right. I have actually sat through dramas in the past, and this is another one I have sat through. I had a few friends and relatives that wanted to see it, so I decided to take them to see it. Wasn't entirely thrilled, and of course I wasn't entirely thrilled either (no surprise) when I left the theater. This is a sad movie. You will either cry, or you will come very close to it. But the question you might ask is, "Is it a good movie?" Yes, it is, it is a very well done movie. The acting was superb, and it had a really good story. Even had some questions that really make you think. I recommend it, mainly for those who are in the mood for a drama. or else you might end up like me, after the movie, you will watch a few episodes of Seinfeld to cheer yourself up.

Well, maybe the girls might have gone to My Sister's Keeper to cry their eyes out, while the guys and Transformers fans went to Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, which hit a litttle over $200 million in it's first five days, impressive. By the way, I have listened to the score for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and I really enjoyed the score, it's nice to listen to. I mainly recommend it to those who like to collect soundtrack scores, as for the other musical listeners that like rock, the soundtrack is really good. And those who like both, get both, like me.

We are pretty much half way through the summer. Have two more months to go, and it's going too fast. How does the rest of the summer look? Well, there could be surprise hits. This weekend, we have Public Enemies, which stars Johnny Depp and Christian Bale, looks good, and then there is Ice Age 3, I have only seen the first one, and it's been a really long time since I have seen that. This one might be fun to watch, but we will have to see. As well in the month of July, there is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I am not a Harry Potter fan, but I have enjoyed the movies, and this one actually looks really good, and it sounds like the reviews are good, even a reviewer at calls it a possible oscar contender like the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, that's strong, and that could mean we could have a very strong box office maker for a while, but we will see. There isn't anything else really for the month of July, which probably means Harry Potter will dominate the box office for a while. August has at least one possible good box office blockbuster, GI Joe. It looks pretty good, it should be fun to watch for sure.


Anonymous said...

cazare delta dunarii, cazare sulina

Yvonne said...

I would like to see "My Sister's Keeper". We still have to see Transformers.

Great to hear that about Harry Potter.