Thursday, January 2, 2020

My 20 anticipated movies of 2020

It's now 2020, a brand new year, a brand new decade, so it's time to look at what's coming this year, and I would like to talk about the 20 movies that I am most excited for this year. Unfortunately we don't have one like Avengers Endgame, but that doesn't mean we don't have good movies coming, we have plenty of movies that look like they could be excellent. So let's go through my 20 movies I am looking forward to in 2020.

20. Infinite - I was going through what is coming out this year and the premise of this movie caught my attention. I don't know too much about it beyond that but it has a solid cast. I am intrigued to learn more.

19. Free Guy - This looks like it could be a fun movie, there is something about Ryan Reynolds that he can get a few laughs out of you.

18. Dolittle - The trailer caught my attention a couple of months ago, it looks a lot better than I thought it would look. It also looks like it will be fun to see Robert Downey Jr playing a different role than Tony Stark, he did a great job as Sherlock Holmes so I look forward to see what he does with this role.

17. Jungle Cruise - At this point, anything with Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson will be entertaining at the very least, even if it's not a very good movie, I can guarantee it will be a fun time at the movies, and this looks like it will be a fun time at the movies, plus it seems like him and Emily Blunt have good chemistry in this.

16. Bill and Ted Face the Music - I don't know much about this except it's being made, and that the first Bill and Ted movie from 1989 is very good, it is a ton of fun to watch. Keanu Reeves has been on a roll recently. I look forward to seeing him revisit one of his earlier roles.

15. Raya and the Last Dragon - I know nothing about this movie, this probably should be lower on the list for that reason, but the fact that it's a new Disney animated movie that looks to take place in China, and some of the concept art I saw looks kind of good.

14. Godzilla Vs King Kong - The latest movie was very enjoyable for me, I was very entertained especially by the battle sequences, I also really liked Kong Skull Island, some of the shots were gorgeous. I am excited to see how it all plays out when they come head to head in November

13. Fast and Furious 9 - We have gotten plenty of good Fast and Furious movies recently, yeah they are dumb fun, but I enjoy dumb fun. I don't know what this will involve this time but I look forward to seeing what we will get out of this when the first trailer debuts soon.

12. Soul - One thing I missed from Pixar recently was the abundance of original movies, that was how they made a great name for themselves, and we get two original movies from Pixar this year, this being one of them. I don't know too much about it but the first trailer we got was very nice. Count me very intrigued.

11. The Eternals - As we get into Phase 4 of the MCU, I hear things are suppose to get weirder and more interesting. I have heard very interesting things about this property. This being an entry of the cosmic realm, I am excited to see what this brings.

10. A Quiet Place Part 2 - A Quiet Place was a huge surprise for me in 2018, and now we get a sequel for the movie. I don't know how it will turn out, but the trailer we recently got has me very intrigued. Plus with John Krasinski back in the director's chair, I am excited to see how he advances the story.

9. Mulan - With so many Disney live action remakes, I am not too excited about them anymore, there are a few that I would like to see happen though, but I am very intrigued by this, that recent trailer we got made the movie so epic, and seems to shake things up a bit that I am excited to see this and see what they do with it. I just hope it's not a disappointment.

8. Onward - Again, I am happy we are getting original Pixar movies again. This totally looks like it will be fun, the premise totally seems like a ton of fun. Plus they have an awesome voice cast, I am curious who they will get to voice the father of the boys.

7. Wonder Woman 1984 - The first was a surprise, I was concerned with how it would be because of DC's track record, but this came and surprised me. We got the first trailer recently and I am officially pumped for their latest movie. Plus I am very curious how Chris Pine's character is back.

6. Black Widow - Time for Phase 4 of the MCU. I really like the character of Black Widow so I was interested in this no matter what, even with the events that occur in Endgame and this takes place before Infinity War, but the trailer caught my interest and this just looks like a ton of fun, and I can tell I will be entertained regardless.

5. No Time to Die - Daniel Craig has been a great James Bond, I have enjoyed his movies in this era of Bond, even the ones that were weaker, my favorite has been Skyfall thus far. The trailer we got about a month ago looked amazing, and with that trailer my intrigue went from interested to extremely excited.

4. Ghostbusters Afterlife - I am a fan of Ghostbusters. I was excited to learn of this coming, and the trailer that we got a month ago didn't just get me intrigued, but I can't wait to see this. I am use to the idea of knowing the Ghostbusters formula, but this looks like it could shake things up a bit and I like where it could potentially go.

3. Top Gun Maverick - The original Top Gun wasn't something I really grew up with, I did watch it once and maybe parts of it here and there, but that's it. What grabbed my attention was the director, Joseph Kosinski, who directed Tron Legacy and Only The Brave, plus a solid cast. Then I saw the trailers and the aerial shots looked gorgeous, and then my excitement only grew from there.

2. Dune - My only exposure to the property of Dune is the 1984 movie, which was alright, but why this is so high on my list is director Denis Villeneuve, who has become one of the directors that I look forward to seeing what they make next. I have heard amazing things out of the book, and everything I hear about this movie just sounds amazing and I can't wait for it to debut in December.

1. Tenet - One director that I get pumped for no matter what is Christopher Nolan, when the news broke last year that he was developing a new movie and didn't announce the title, I didn't care, I would have bought a ticket to the movie without a title, everything I have seen from Christopher Nolan has blown my mind, or at the least has intrigued me very much, plus he knows how to make an epic scale movie. I don't know a whole lot about the movie, but I like not knowing a whole lot, and I am excited to see everything unravel before me. Day 1 on IMAX!

There are plenty of other movies that I am looking forward to, but these are the ones that I am the most intrigued in. What are your most anticipated movies of 2020?

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