Friday, April 26, 2019

Avengers Endgame review

Just as I stated, I would provide a review on Avengers Endgame after I saw it. I am going to be going spoiler free as there is a lot that happens that I don't want to ruin anything, so this won't be very long for that reason. First off, kudos to the marketing team for not revealing everything.

The word I would use to describe the movie is amazing, it is epic, maybe a good way to describe it is amazingly epic. This movie felt like one big payoff over the last 11 years of Marvel movies. This movie felt like the end of an era of the MCU, and also allowed a new one to begin. I really don't want to say much else at this time as I worry that anything I could say could reveal a little too much, but this movie is epic, and it is one that you should see ASAP, even this weekend if you can still get tickets. I will do a spoiler filled review soon, but I think I want to give at least one more week before I share more of my thoughts on the movie. As far as where I would place it, I want to see it at least a couple of more times and think about that.

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