Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Kickstarter Campaign to a concept film for War Chapters of The Book of Mormon

I remember seeing a Book of Mormon Movie back in 2004, I read about the director's intentions, of having that be the first part of what was suppose to be 9 movies (if memory serves me right). The movie failed, more than financially, it was panned. Regardless of it failing, at the time I thought that they would continue to move forward with this series, and just have this movie be a bump in the road, my hope was that maybe they could better the craft of making the movies with each entry and keep getting better budgets, especially when they got to the war chapters, as anything that could be compelling to see on the big screen, it would be the war chapters. Yes, that one attempt on making a Book of Mormon movie failed, and for the most part, has been forgotten, but that does not mean that the desire to see an epic movie on the Book of Mormon has diminished, especially by those who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I, myself, being a member have desired to see this happen for a long time.

I don't remember exactly how I first stumbled upon this project, but I remember looking around and first heard about Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty, which was to be an epic feature length film based on the war chapters of The Book of Mormon, and how the producer of this project was trying to make it a reality, when I first heard about it, not much was being done, mainly because of finances. But then I saw this resurface 2 months ago, with a desire to start making this feature length movie a reality by creating a concept film to show how incredible this movie could be. While a concept film isn't necessarily the epic movie yet, it could be the very thing to get more interest going, and could show us how incredible the epic movie could be. If you remember, when Ryan Reynolds was pushing to get a Deadpool movie made, he first worked to get a concept film going to show how incredible it could be, and because of that, interest grew (which helped after his disastrous performance, which wasn't his fault at at, in that X-Men Origins Wolverine movie). Developing a concept film on Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty could be the very thing to get the epic feature length movie made.

A few weeks ago, the producer started a Kickstarter campaign to get funding for this ambitious concept film. What has really stood out was his passion for this project, and his vision that this could really be an incredible film and really make a difference. As well, his efforts to make the concept film has been astounding, and the talent he is bringing on to make the costumes and props. I really hope to see this become a reality, if any project has a chance to do an incredible depiction of the war chapters in the Book of Mormon, I really believe this is it.

The campaign is going on for one more week. Check it out for yourself by clicking here.

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