Monday, December 13, 2010

Almost Christmas Again

So we are a week and a half away till Christmas arrives. There are so many movies coming out this holiday season. First off, I have said it many times, and I will say it again. This weekend we see the arrival of Tron Legacy, I have been very excited for this movie for a while, and now it hits the theaters. I will be going to a midnight showing of it Thursday night, I don't normally attend midnight showings because I am working them, but this one I will, and I am very excited. The other one I really want to see is True Grit, which arrives on December 22.

Also, look for the Golden Globe nominations tomorrow morning. It will be interesting to see what gets picked for Best Picture. I do think one of them will be The Social Network, it has been winning awards by critics recently, I really do think it has a great chance at Best Picture. It is a very good movie, and is worth checking out. You may think it's a movie about Facebook, but it's deeper than that. I think another movie that could get an Oscar nomination for Best Picture is Inception, or at least a Best Director nomination. I will be going through my top ten picks of the year as the New Year approaches, and of course some other movies that I would categorize elsewhere, this year we had a bunch of really good movies.

For Blu-Ray and DVD this week, there is A-Team and Despicable Me, they are both good movies. Also this weekend there will be a couple of other releases, for example, there is Legend of the Guardians, it is a good movie, while the plot is full of holes, the animation is beautiful. There are many good movies on Blu-Ray that are worth picking up as gifts for Christmas, once again, I recommend Inception if you guys haven't picked it up yet, or seen it.

Also, look for trailers for movies arriving next year. One is for a movie called Rio, about a rare blue bird that lives in a cold town, he meets a girl that he follows on a crazy adventure, done by the same company that did Ice Age. Another one is Pirates of the Caribbean: On Strange Tides, I will be honest, I liked the first one, but the other two I really didn't care about that much, and this new one I am not too excited for, but who knows, it could be a surprise movie. Then there is Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and no I didn't miss a word in the title, that's how it is spelled. I will give the new movie a chance, I will admit, I did enjoy the last movie, not as much as the first, but it is a movie I don't mind watching, and I am sure that Michael Bay will fix up the problems he caused in the last one, and this last movie will be a much better movie, and a really great blockbuster. So there are some things to look for next year, and I am sure we will have some sleeper hits for next year.

I will be posting a review of Tron Legacy Friday morning.

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